Magnolia is the principal at Magpie Content Creation and an award-winning Director and Producer specialised in factual content. She works from idea development through to image gathering and post-production across documentary, commercials, public information campaigns and live content.  
Over the past ten years Magnolia has focused on making factual films that translate science and academic research into visual and engaging stories, working closely with universities and research institutes to direct documentaries that tell compelling stories through the eyes of leading academics, particularly focused on our changing natural environment. 
'WATER' is Magnolia's first three part documentary series, looking at fresh water, sea level rise and rights and responsibilities issues in Aotearoa-New Zealand alongside prominent academic researchers. 'WATER'  achieved official selection in four international film festivals, and was an award finalist for best direction in the NZ Web fest, best documentary finalist in die Seriale, and best documentary finalist in both the Oregon short film and Oregon documentary film festivals in the US. 
'TURNING THE TIDE' is a new six-part documentary series, devised and directed by Magnolia Lowe, that highlights the issues affecting our coastal marine environment. The series shows how scientists, Māori and other partners are working together on sustainable solutions. 
'In the Subduction Zone' is an ongoing long form documentary project for Magnolia, which follows the stories of leading scientific researchers around the world who are working together to better understand subduction zones capable of devastating megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis.
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